I think people these days are more willing to give up and accept circumstances as fate without treading away from the path they are walking on and just trudging along it for eternity.

But you know what is one of the most beautiful thing in today’s world? A person willing to fight against the circumstances for something they believe in, for something that won’t let them sleep through night silently, for something that makes them dream in day light.

Very few are lucky enough to find such a thing, a person, a goal, a dream that keeps them going on the path not taken. A path of fulfilling your dreams and making them come true not for society, your family or your friends but for yourself.

Maybe it’s tough believing that there can be light at the end of the tunnel the lack of faith makes you a member of herd willing to give up on your uniqueness for a moment of relief and a life of endless despair henceforth.

You know what is one the most sad things in life? People leading on their lives each day without any motive, any goal, any want for their true calling.

In the Alchemist I found a quote which made the shepherd move away from his life of stability and peace, towards his “true mission”

Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth

I agree that there is a very thin line between madness and ingenuity of person that tries to tackle immeasurable obstacles.

At some point you need to walk away from the path of grind and chaos towards acceptance and surrender for your own peace. But it shouldn’t come so soon that the fire lying within you never gets a chance to even go beyond those small soot of sparks.

Even if you have a minuscule faith in something go try for it because beyond those hardship lies your happiness that aligns with your true self and the one that world has always tried to hide from you.

Don’t let your life go in vain make the best of this opportunity, this life to reach out for things that make you smile, people that you love and dreams that matter to you.