Let’s take an example of operating system information as a data structure to better understand sum types.


Our bare minimum struct to represent an operating system contains a few common fields that would exist in each of the operating system.

typedef struct {
  char organization[];
  int releaseYear;
  float version;
  int is_opensource;
} os;

It’s missing one thing though the type of operating system like macOS, linux, windows, etc.


We will add in a new field into our structure to represent the type of operating system by using an enum.

typedef enum
} os_type_enum;

typedef struct {
  os_type_enum os_type;
} os;

More Data Fields

Consider the case of Linux, there are many distributions like Manjaro, Fedora, Ubuntu, Zorin, etc. we want to store this data as well.

So what can we do now with our struct and enum combination is we can create a new field which will be nullptr in case of MacOS and Windows and in case of Linux it will hold data.

typedef struct {
  char distribution[];
} os;

Now it comes down to user to manage this logic properly the language won’t provide support for anything. But there is a better way to handle such things we can use union.


C language, yes the elder one has features for us to easily create sum type by using union keyword. And you thought your new and shiny language has an advantage over it “much to learn you still have” yoda telling you to appreciate C language

We will create three new structs each representing meta details about each operating system. In case of macOS and Windows these would be empty structs but in case of linux will have a data field.

typedef struct {
  char distribution[];
} linux_details;

typedef struct {} mac_os_details;
typedef struct {} windows_details;

union os_details_union {
  linux_details linux;
  mac_os_details mac_os;
  windows_details windows;

typedef struct {
  os_details_union os_details;
} os;

Union forms the basis for sum types which is actually a mathematical concept represented by A U B where A and B are individual types.

The opposite of sum type is product type, which is represented in programming languages by a normal class or struct. An interface represents an intersection in mathematical terms.

Memory Requirements

A union variable will always be the size of its largest element. So even if I have some fields in the other two structures as well it still won’t be an addition of individual struct size but instead a max.

int struct_memory = sizeof(linux_details) + sizeof(mac_os_details) + sizeof(windows_details)
int union_memory = max(sizeof(linux_details), max(sizeof(mac_os_details), sizeof(windows_details)))

While writing this blog I came to know about this benefit which is utilized in low resource devices.

Pros and Cons

Now the union logic isn’t on user but instead on the language runtime itself to manage. It brings in safety and clarity of usage to the end user of language i.e. the programmer but it also adds in un-safety around same memory utilization for all the fields.

What do I mean by memory un-safety? let’s consider below example of memory overwrite.

union random_data {
  int happiness_index;
  int sadness_index;
} data_holder;

data_holder.happiness_index = 5;
// below assignment will override happiness_index
data_holder.sadness_index = 2;
printf("happiness_index is %d and sadness_index is %d", data_holder.happiness_index, data_holder.sadness_index)
// happiness_index is 2 and sadness_index is 2

As we can see a wrong usage of union can cause loss of data as only one field can exist in the union because they share same memory space. This is a simple example of memory overwrite, in a mix of structs and primitive data types we face a even bigger threat.

Safe Sum

There are other languages as well which provide union/sum types with memory safety like Haskell, OCaml, etc. but I would like to go with Rust here as am familiar with it.

In rust there is no special union type instead enum values can hold the data we need and it make our lives easy.

enum OsTypeEnum {

struct Os {
  os_type: OsTypeEnum,
  organization: String,
  release_year: i32,
  version: f32,
  opensource: bool,

That’s it so simple so elegant just looking like a wow.

Pattern Matching

While in C even with union type we still had to rely on the os_type_enum to check what operating is the os struct representing and a user error there would result in memory issues.

Modern languages have pattern matching which allows them to match against the structure of types, both complex and simple in a very clean manner.

match os_type {
  OsTypeEnum::Windows => print!("Hail Microsoft!"),
  OsTypeEnum::MacOS => print!("richie rich :P"),
  OsTypeEnum::Linux(description) => print!("never ending suffering {}", description)

In rust we can pattern match against things like:

  • Literals
  • Destructured arrays, enums, structs, or tuples
  • Variables
  • Wildcards
  • Placeholders

You can read more about the capabilities of rust specific pattern matching in the rust book.

Other Languages

Not every language has sum type or pattern matching but most of the languages are moving towards enabling it, not in a true manner but something is better than nothing coughs in golang.

C Sharp

It has become a language that I have started liking a lot. C# has no true equivalent to union type like C or Rust but we can provide similar feature using inheritance and pattern matching.

I took reference from a blog which goes in detail about improvements made till C#9 to allow below example with a very clean syntax.

record OsType {
  public record Windows : OsType;
  public record Linux(string distro) : OsType;
  public record MacOS : OsType;
  private OsType() { } // private constructor can prevent derived cases from being defined elsewhere

C Hash Sharp also provides pattern matching abilities using the switch statement but it won’t be able to do an exhaustive match.

osType switch {
  OsType.Windows windows => "its updating",
  OsType.Linux linux => $"where are the display drivers: {linux.distro}",
  OsType.MacOS macOS => "flexing that half eaten apple",
  _ => throw new ArgumentException(message: "invalid OsType value", paramName: nameof(osType)),


In Java we have records, pattern matching and sealed interfaces as part of Java17 which can allow us to implement union types.

public sealed interface OsType {}
public record Linux(String Distribution) implements OsType {}
public record MacOS() implements OsType {}
public record Windows() implements OsType {}

For pattern matching we can use the switch and isInstanceOf to do exhaustive matching with a sealed interface.

switch (osType) {
  case LinuxInformation linux -> "I use arch btw";
  case MacOS macOS -> "loan installment pending";
  case Windows windows -> "even dad can use it";


My new found love does union types mostly like java but instead of interface we use a sealed class, data objects and data classes. Data Class seems superior to Java records as they can extend other classes whereas a record can’t.

sealed class OsType private constructor() {
  data class Linux(val distribution: String) : OsType()
  data object MacOS : OsType()
  data object Windows : OsType()

The pattern matching happens using when

when (os) {
  // smart casting happening here
  is Os.Linux -> "mr. robot uses $(os.distribution)"
  is Os.MacOS -> "no more space left"
  is Os.Windows -> "its AI everywhere"


Union/Sum Types are concrete types even in the face of diverse options. C introduced it to us long back when it was a crude mathematical model and it has been improved thoroughly now with time and is visible in modern languages like Rust, OCaml, Scala, etc.

The old gods like C#, Java, etc. are trying to keep up with trendy types by adding more new feature but it just doesn’t feel as good. I was even planning to show example for doing it with Go but it just can’t do that in a humanely readable way.

jai shree ram

That was all for this week, thanks for reading, stay tuned on the Backpacking Dream and Jai Shree Ram!!.